PTSD (Post traumatic Stress Disorder) is a mental health problem that can develop after an individual experiences or witnesses a traumatic event. This event can be life-threatening, such as combat, a natural disaster, a car accident, or sexual assault, but it can also be non-life-threatening, such as a serious injury or a violent attack.
How can mHBOT help PTSD?
Mechanisms of Action: HBOT increases oxygen delivery to the brain, promoting neuroplasticity and potentially reversing damaged brain structures and functions associated with PTSD. This enhanced oxygenation:
Heals damaged brain tissue: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy may help repair damaged areas in the brain, such as the hippocampus, amygdala, and prefrontal cortex, which are critical for emotional regulation and memory processing.
Improves blood flow and oxygenation: Increased oxygen delivery to the brain can enhance blood flow, reducing hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) and promoting healthy brain function.
Reduces inflammation: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy has anti-inflammatory properties, which may help mitigate chronic inflammation associated with PTSD.
Enhances neuroplasticity: HBOT promotes the growth of new neurons and blood vessels, allowing the brain to reorganize and adapt, potentially reducing PTSD symptoms.
Clinical Evidence: Multiple studies suggest that HBOT can effectively reduce PTSD symptoms, including:
A randomized controlled trial found that half of the participants with treatment-resistant PTSD no longer met the criteria for PTSD after 60 sessions of HBOT.
Another study demonstrated improved symptoms, brain microstructure, and functionality in veterans with treatment-resistant PTSD after HBOT.
A review of clinical trials highlights the potential benefits of HBOT for PTSD, including improved cognitive function, reduced symptoms, and enhanced quality of life.
Potential Applications: HBOT may be particularly beneficial for:
Treatment-resistant PTSD: For individuals who have not responded to traditional therapies, HBOT may offer a new avenue for symptom reduction.
Combination therapy: HBOT could be used in conjunction with other evidence-based treatments, such as psychotherapy and medication, to enhance their effectiveness.
Military and veteran populations: HBOT may be particularly relevant for military personnel and veterans suffering from PTSD, as it addresses the physical and psychological consequences of traumatic brain injury.
Clickable Links! - Articles and Studies involving MHBOT and HBOT
HBOT reduces hippocampal damage
Brain Injury
HBOT in traumatic brain injury
HBOT treatment of neurologically impaired
HBOT for neurological dysfunction
New strategy for attacking brain tumors
Cancer radiation study abstracts
Hyperbaric does NOT potentially “spread” some cancers
HBOT for neurological dysfunction
Autism / ADD
Hyperbaric Oxygen Report Michael - Autism
Dr.Rossignol HBOT Improves symptoms
in Autistic Children
HBOT treatment for Autism
Lessons from Hopson Quadruplets Autism
Studies / resources diabetes HBOT
HBOT efficacy for diabetic autonomic neuropathy
Multiple Sclerosis
Prostate Cancer
Rheumatoid Diseases
HBOT treatment for chronic Lyme
Long Covid
ABC news Hyperbaric & Long Covid